Showing off New Brunswick from vistas and scenic locations using panoramas.
Some places in New Brunswick that have so many panos they have there own page.
Saint John
Fundy Trail
Out geocaching on Green Head island, in Saint John to visit River Lights: Swift Point Lighthouse, Green Head.
We hiked for about 5 hours traveling about 6.5 km, taking pictures on the way. Location discovered by geocaching.
Out geocaching in Midland for Midland Ice Cave. Only a few minutes from Norton. About 90 minutes to hike in enjoy the cave and hike out.
Ice walls are created when water flows over cliffs and freezes. This geocache makes for a nice snowshoe in the winter.
Out geocaching near Saint John Airport for $1,000,000 View at Christopher's Chasm. A five hour hike with a couple friends and our dogs. Location discovered by geocaching. Two kilometers from car to the top. I knew the snow was going to prevent us from finding the geocache on this first trip. I returned a month later with my wife and our dog. This time I was able to get inside the chasm and sign the geocache log. Mostly I went for the hike to enjoy the view and capture these panoramas.
Out geocaching in Millbrook for GC20VGQ, Cotter Hollow Ice Walls. Ice walls are created when water flows over cliffs and freezes. This geocache makes for a nice showshoe hike in the winter.
The trees in this area of New Brunswick are in the prime to show off their fall colors.
I started early on a cold but sunny Saturday morning to hike up Turtle Mountain to capture many photographs showing the fall colors and grab a couple geocaches
As I arrived at the trail head, a group of 8 hikers and 4 dogs, from the New Brunswick Hiking and Paddling Club, were getting organized to do the hike also. My dog and I joined them. They convinced me to do Mawhane Mountain also. Adding about 6 more KM to the already planed 17 KM. Some of the puddles at the beginning had some ice on them and at the top the wind was blowing like crazy, but the hike between was a pleasant fall day. The view at the top was gorgeous with all the fall colors and made the trip more than worth it.
Out geocaching on Kingston Peninsula. Only a few minutes down a Moss Glen Shore Road, a dirt road, and in the woods a few meters is this beautiful isolated swimming hole and water fall.
Page last modified March 28, 2013