Panoramas in and around Ottawa
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

June 22, 2007

World Wide Panorama Elevation
This is my photo shoot for the Elevation World Wide Panorama event.

An international involvement of VR panoramic photographers to capture and share panoramas.  For more information and everyones entry see the  World Wide Panorama site. 

Elevation 2008
Elevation 2008
Major's Hill Park Crane

December 22, 2007

World Wide Panorama Atmosphere
This is my photo shoot for the Wrinkle in Time, World Wide Panorama event.

An international involvement of VR panoramic photographers to capture and share panoramas.  For more information and everyones entry see the  World Wide Panorama site. 

Wrinkle in Time Ottawa 2007
Wrinkle in Time Ottawa 2007
Wrinkle in Time Ottawa 2007
Eternal Flame Parliment Building. Unknown Soldier

March 25, 2007

World Wide Panorama Atmosphere
This is my photo shoot for the Atmosphere, World Wide Panorama event.

An international involvement of VR panoramic photographers to capture and share panoramas.  For more information and everyones entry see the  World Wide Panorama site. 

Atmosphere Ottawa 2007
Atmosphere Ottawa 2007
Atmosphere Ottawa 2007
Next to the Ottawa River On the Ottawa River pathway. Ice fishing
Atmosphere Ottawa 2007
Atmosphere Ottawa 2007
Canadian geese Wind mill  


March 3, 2007

Yuval came to Ottawa in March 2007 to visit some of the Pano photographes of the area and skate on the canal.  Here are a couple pans I took while we were walking downtown.
Ottawa 2007 1
Ottawa 2007 2
Dancing statues on Sparks street down town Ottawa In front of the Parliament buildings down town Ottawa


Page last modified June 30, 2008
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