The World-Wide Panorama

Sumer Solstice / Water edition June 16-21, 2005

World Wide Panorama Logo An international involvement of VR panoramic photographers to capture the Summer Solstice over an extended weekend period.  For more information and everyones entry see the  World Wide Panorama site.  More than 250 photographers in 46 countries around the world created VR panoramas with the common theme of Water.

Rideau Falls, Ontario, Canada, June 18, 2005

The Rideau Falls is my contribution for the event.

The Rideau Falls is located in downtown Ottawa.  The Rideau River splits into two just before it joins the Ottawa River as seen is this Aerial view from Google Maps.

The river gets its French name "Rideau" (curtain) after the Appreciation of the twin waterfalls.
A few hundred feet upstream on the Ottawa River, the Rideau Canal was created in 1832.

Rideau Falls
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